The news in Polish
Jerzy Owsiak to szef WOŚP, znanej polskiej fundacji charytatywnej. Otrzymał groźby śmierci podczas kontroli sejmowej. Mimo tego WOŚP kontynuowała swoją pracę. Owsiak zgłosił sprawę na policję i zamierza unikać współpracy z firmami reklamującymi się na TV Republika, która negatywnie przedstawia WOŚP.
Jerzy Owsiak is the head of WOŚP, a well-known Polish charitable foundation. He received death threats during a parliamentary review. Despite this, WOŚP continued its work. Owsiak reported the matter to the police and plans to avoid collaboration with companies advertising on TV Republika, which portrays WOŚP negatively.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Who is Jerzy Owsiak?
Jerzy Owsiak is the head of a well-known Polish charity named WOŚP.
Question 2: What did Jerzy Owsiak decide to do about companies advertising on TV Republika?
Jerzy Owsiak decided to avoid working with companies that advertise on TV Republika.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
Jerzy Owsiak, the head of Poland's prominent charity, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP), has been facing a series of disturbing death threats, as revealed in his recent social media posts. The threats were reportedly received during a parliamentary check by Janusz Kowalski from the Law and Justice party at the WOŚP headquarters, which was broadcasted live on TV Republika.
Owsiak reported that, during this broadcast, an anonymous caller threatened to attack him and his family with a firearm and grenades. Further intimidation ensued when another individual vowed violence with an axe. These threats were promptly reported to the police by Owsiak, who emphasized the hostile environment his foundation is encountering.
Despite these threats, the WOŚP's 33rd Finale went ahead as planned, with volunteers continuing their work undeterred by the hostile atmosphere. Owsiak noted the difficulty of working under such conditions, where every phone call could potentially bring life-threatening news.
Threats Against Polish Charity Leader Jerzy Owsiak (Illustration)
The WOŚP has also faced criticism in the media, particularly from TV Republika, which produced content with negative portrayals of Owsiak and the charity's activities. Reports indicate that a significant portion of early January media coverage by TV Republika was critically charged against WOŚP. The negative atmosphere allegedly inspired the threats directed at Owsiak, leading him to announce that his charity will avoid collaborating with companies advertising on TV Republika.
The WOŚP has engaged legally with the Polish authorities, pressing for action against those responsible for the threats. Meanwhile, Owsiak has assured political figures like Janusz Kowalski that the foundation will respond to inquiries regarding their activities, notwithstanding past communications that went unanswered by political entities.
This situation highlights ongoing tensions between the charity, its critics in the media, and certain political figures, underlining the increasing challenges faced by the organization dedicated to humanitarian efforts in Poland.
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