The news in Polish

Złe warunki pogodowe powodują problemy na kolei w Polsce. Padający deszcz i lód zatrzymują pociągi, szczególnie na trasach Warszawa-Gdańsk i Warszawa-Łódź. Niektóre pociągi miały wielogodzinne opóźnienia. PKP stara się poprawić sytuację, ale trudności nadal trwają. Informacje o zmianach można znaleźć na stronie "Portal Pasażera".


Adverse weather conditions are causing problems on the railway in Poland. Rain and ice are halting trains, particularly on the Warsaw-Gdansk and Warsaw-Lodz routes. Some trains have experienced delays of several hours. The Polish State Railways (PKP) are attempting to improve the situation, but difficulties persist. Information about changes can be found on the "Passenger Portal" website.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: What are the weather conditions causing problems on the Polish railways?

Rain and ice are causing problems on the Polish railways.

Question 2: Where can people find information about changes in train schedules?

People can find information on the 'Portal Pasażera' website.

Exercise: Vocabulary

(m.) - condition

- cause

(m.) - ice

- stop

(f.) - difficulty

(f.) - change

Read the full story


Polish railways have been severely impacted by adverse weather conditions that have caused significant disruptions to train services across the country. The freezing rain and icy conditions have resulted in widespread track icing, halting some trains entirely and causing extensive delays for others, affecting the travel plans of thousands of passengers.

The worst-affected routes include the Warsaw-Gdańsk, Warsaw-Lublin, and Warsaw-Łódź lines, where travelers faced extreme delays. One particular train on the Mazovian Railways line from Ciechanów to Warsaw was delayed by a staggering 11 hours, highlighting the scale of the disruptions. In response, railway services began to gradually resume operations after conditions slightly improved, yet challenges persist, especially on key routes.

Railway operators, including PKP Intercity, reported that over 500 passenger trains were delayed overnight by a total of nearly 17,000 minutes, showcasing the broad impact on the rail network. The overnight disturbances led to police and railway officials urging passengers to stay informed through the "Portal Pasażera" information site, where updates on service changes are regularly posted.

PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe, the main railway infrastructure manager, has been actively working to clear the tracks using diesel locomotives to tow stranded trains. These efforts, albeit resource-intensive and time-consuming, are crucial in restoring some level of normalcy to the disrupted services.

Severe Weather Causes Major Delays on Polish Railways Severe Weather Causes Major Delays on Polish Railways (Illustration)

Additional support measures for passengers include the provision of substitute bus services in some regions, although this has proven challenging in hard-to-reach areas. Despite the efforts, many passengers have reported cold conditions due to trains being without power, leading to a lack of heating. Affected individuals have taken to social media to share their experiences and frustrations concerning the delays.

Authorities, including the Ministry of Infrastructure, have advised travelers to exercise caution and consider alternative routes where possible. Weather forecasts from the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management continue to warn of persistent freezing rain, suggesting that the difficult conditions could continue in the near term.

To mitigate further inconvenience, PKP Intercity and Koleje Mazowieckie have temporarily agreed on mutual ticket honoring, allowing passengers to use tickets interchanged on their networks, except in premium and sleeper services, to accommodate stranded commuters better.

The broad disruption caused by the extreme weather highlights the vulnerability of the rail network to such conditions and underscores the ongoing challenges faced by Polish rail operations in delivering consistent transport services amid environmental challenges.

Info: "Polish Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Polish", a language school dedicated to teaching Polish. We offer various types of online courses, providing learners with flexible options to improve their skills through Polish classes tailored to their needs.

Advanced: Reports from Poland