The news in Polish
Prezydent Polski Andrzej Duda podpisał ustawę budżetową na 2025 rok, ale skierował niektóre jej części do Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. Budżet dotyczy podwyżek dla pracowników i emerytów oraz reform społecznych. Kontrowersje wzbudzają cięcia finansowe dla Trybunału i KRS. Opozycja ma mieszane reakcje, ale rząd broni decyzji prezydenta.
The President of Poland, Andrzej Duda, has signed the budget bill for 2025, but has referred some of its parts to the Constitutional Tribunal. The budget addresses pay rises for employees and pensioners, as well as social reforms. The financial cuts to the Tribunal and the National Council of the Judiciary have stirred controversy. The opposition has mixed reactions, but the government defends the president's decision.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: What action did President Duda take regarding the budget bill?
President Duda signed the budget bill and sent some parts to the Constitutional Tribunal.
Question 2: What are the controversial aspects of the budget bill?
The budget bill is controversial due to financial cuts for the Constitutional Tribunal and the National Council of the Judiciary.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
In a significant move, Polish President Andrzej Duda has signed the country's budget bill for 2025, whilst simultaneously forwarding contentious aspects to the Constitutional Tribunal for review. This decision notably involves sections of the bill that propose budget cuts to the Tribunal itself and the National Council of the Judiciary (KRS).
The President's Office has emphasized that the budget includes essential measures, such as salary increases for public sector workers and pension adjustments, which are vital for addressing economic challenges like inflation. The modifications are deemed crucial for the implementation of pivotal social programs such as the "800 plus" benefit and the 13th and 14th pensions.
During the announcement, Małgorzata Paprocka, the Head of the President’s Office, underlined that the adjustments affecting the Tribunal and KRS should be subject to legal scrutiny to ensure they comply with existing Polish laws. According to her, maintaining financial support for these institutions is a critical legal procedure.
President Duda Signs Controversial Budget Bill (Illustration)
Reactions from the political sphere have been mixed. Members of the opposition have criticized the move, with Ryszard Petru of the Polska 2050 party expressing skepticism about the Tribunal's objectivity in its self-assessment regarding budget reductions. Meanwhile, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, a senator from the Civic Platform (KO), pointed out that similar procedures last year resulted in no decisive legal action by the Tribunal, casting doubt on the effectiveness of the review process.
On the other hand, Henryk Kowalczyk from the ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) defended the President's decision as a balanced approach to a complex legal issue. He stressed the necessity of the Constitutional Tribunal to function effectively, which requires assured financial support.
This development adds another layer to Poland's ongoing debates about judiciary reforms and fiscal governance. As the Tribunal prepares to examine these budget stipulations, both the government and its critics will be watching closely for any implications such reviews might entail for future state funding policies.
Info: "Polish Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Polish", which serves as a dedicated Polish language school. We offer various types of online Polish courses designed to help learners at all levels improve their proficiency.