The news in Polish
Prezydent Andrzej Duda wręczył awanse wojskowe przed Świętem Niepodległości. Wielu oficerów otrzymało nowe stopnie, na przykład generał Dariusz Parylak. Ceremonia podkreśliła ważną rolę dowódców w obliczu napięć regionalnych. Prezydent mówił o obowiązkach oficerów, mając nadzieję na pokój. To ważna tradycja dla polskich sił zbrojnych.
President Andrzej Duda presented military promotions ahead of Independence Day. Many officers received new ranks, such as General Dariusz Parylak. The ceremony highlighted the important role of commanders amidst regional tensions. The President spoke about the officers’ duties, expressing hope for peace. This is an important tradition for the Polish armed forces.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Who received a promotion at the ceremony?
General Dariusz Parylak received a promotion.
Question 2: What did President Duda express hope for during the ceremony?
President Duda expressed hope for peace.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
On the eve of Poland's National Independence Day, President Andrzej Duda oversaw the conferring of military promotions in a ceremony highlighting the weighty responsibility borne by military leaders, especially in an era with heightened regional tensions. The event, held on Sunday, marked an important occasion for the Polish armed forces as numerous officers received elevations in rank.
The highest promotion awarded was to General Major Dariusz Parylak, who advanced to the rank of General of the Armed Corps. Parylak commands the Multinational Corps Northeast, a significant NATO component based in Szczecin, crucial for defence on Europe's eastern flank.
Several officers ascended to the rank of Division General. This included Brigadier General Tomasz Dominikowski, Commander of the Warsaw Garrison, Brigadier General Jarosław Górowski, Commander of the Multinational Division Northeast, and Brigadier General Jacek Ostrowski, Inspector of the Branches of the Armed Forces.
In the same vein, the position of Vice Admiral was granted to Kadm. Jarosław Wypijewski, who serves as Director in the department governing the armed forces at the National Security Bureau.
Promotions also spanned the ranks of Brigadier General and Senior Brigadier General within the Polish State Fire Service. The officials raised were those responsible for fire and safety commands in significant regions like Lower Silesia and Silesian provinces.
Moreover, advancements were also noted within the Polish police force. Appointees to the rank of Chief Inspector included figures such as Tomasz Michułka, deputy chief of police, and senior officials from key cities.
President Duda, reflecting on the ongoing war across Poland’s eastern borders, underscored the responsibility and commitment required from those ascending to these roles. He expressed hopes for continued peace but acknowledged the pressing demands current leaders face. The ceremony, laden with its solemn promise of duty, marks an annual tradition of recognising and empowering those standing at the defence helm of the nation.
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