The news in Polish

Polska Komisja Wyborcza (PKW) nie podjęła decyzji o finansowaniu partii PiS po wnioskach ministra finansów. PKW analizuje trzy odpowiedzi , ale nie ma zgody . Decyzja o zatrzymaniu funduszy wiąże się z niejasnościami prawnymi i różnymi opiniami. Następne spotkanie PKW odbędzie się w lutym, aby znaleźć rozwiązanie .


The Polish Electoral Commission (PKW) has not made a decision regarding the funding of the Law and Justice Party (PiS) following the Ministry of Finance's requests. The PKW is examining three responses but has not reached an agreement. The decision to withhold funds is linked to legal ambiguities and differing opinions. The next PKW meeting is scheduled for February to seek a resolution.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: What is the reason for delaying the decision on PiS funding?

The decision is delayed due to legal uncertainties and various opinions.

Question 2: When is the next PKW meeting scheduled to discuss the solution?

The next PKW meeting is scheduled for February.

Exercise: Vocabulary

(n.) - financing

(m.) - application

- analyse

(f.) - answer

(f.) - consent

(n.) - solution

Read the full story


The Polish State Electoral Commission (PKW) has postponed a decision regarding a request from Finance Minister Andrzej Domański, seeking clarification over funding linked to the ruling party Law and Justice (PiS). This follows recent controversies surrounding PiS's financial reporting for 2023.

During a session on Monday, the PKW reviewed three potential responses to Domański's inquiry. The delay ensued as the commission could not reach a consensus on an appropriate course of action. PKW member Ryszard Kalisz highlighted that the meeting involved extensive legal debates and was marked by "a touch of emotion." Kalisz had pushed for an immediate decision, arguing that the PKW's December ruling does not entail legal or financial obligations to release funds to PiS.

The issue arose after the PKW had initially rejected PiS's financial statements—citing irregularities amounting to 3.6 million zloty in campaign expenditures. PiS responded by appealing the decision to the Supreme Court, where the contested Chamber of Extraordinary Control and Public Affairs ruled in PiS's favour. This chamber, established under a 2017 law, has faced scrutiny and is not recognised by certain legal authorities.

Polish Election Commission Delays Decision on PiS Funding Polish Election Commission Delays Decision on PiS Funding (Illustration)

Given these developments, the Ministry of Finance withheld certain funds from PiS. Minister Domański has requested clarity on the December decision, questioning its self-consistency. However, PKW Chairman Sylwester Marciniak has indicated that the election code does not allow for reinterpretation of the commission's resolutions, though explanations can be provided.

Legal perspectives within the PKW vary. Kalisz has proposed withholding the funds, whereas opinions from professor Ryszard Balicki and lawyer Arkadiusz Pikulik diverge on whether the chamber's ruling necessitates financial disbursement.

Member Paweł Gieras expressed hope that the commission would reach a compromise during its next meeting, scheduled for early February. The ongoing debate underscores the complexity of balancing legal interpretations with political ramifications in Poland's current judicial framework.

Info: 'Polish Learner News' is a service from 'Let's Learn Polish', a language school dedicated to teaching Polish through various types of online courses. Our Polish tutors are skilled in providing personalised lessons to help students progress efficiently.

Advanced: Reports from Poland