The news in Polish
33. Finał WOŚP odbył się 26 stycznia i zbierał 178,531,625 PLN na dziecięcą onkologię i hematologię . Jerzy Owsiak zorganizował to wydarzenie. Udział brali Polacy i osoby z całego świata, np. z USA i Japonii. Znane osoby, jak prezydent Andrzej Duda, przekazały rzeczy na aukcję . Akcja pokazuje jedność i wielkie wsparcie.
The 33rd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity took place on January 26th, raising 178,531,625 PLN for children's oncology and haematology. Jerzy Owsiak organised the event. Participants included people from Poland and around the world, such as from the USA and Japan. Notable individuals, including President Andrzej Duda, donated items for auction. The event demonstrates unity and great support.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Who organized the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity event?
Jerzy Owsiak organized the event.
Question 2: What was the purpose of the money raised by the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity?
The money was raised for children's oncology and hematology.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
The 33rd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) took place on 26 January, focusing on enhancing child safety and health. This year's theme, 'We Play for Health!', saw contributions channelled towards paediatric oncology and haematology. Organised by Jerzy Owsiak, the event gathered an impressive 178,531,625 PLN as reported late in the evening, with donations still pouring in.
Widespread participation from both Polish and global communities marked this annual event. The charity recorded contributions not only from regions across Poland but also from 93 teams located abroad, reaching places as far as the United States, Australia, and Japan. This global involvement highlights the event's ever-expanding influence and commitment to improving healthcare for children worldwide.
Renowned figures, including Polish politicians like President Andrzej Duda and former PM Donald Tusk, actively participated by donating personal items for auction. These items ranged from cufflinks donated by President Duda to a traditional Kashubian breakfast experience offered by Tusk. The Prime Minister also opened up his residence for a guided visit, adding a unique touch to the auctions.
Poland's Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Raises Millions (Illustration)
Beyond financial contributions, the event was characterised by a widespread spirit of unity. Sister Małgorzata Chmielewska, head of the Communion Houses Foundation, noted the significant sense of solidarity and responsibility the event fosters among people. Her comments emphasised the importance of collaboration and maintaining positive community efforts, underscoring that attempts to disrupt this goodwill are unwelcome.
The WOŚP initiative, spearheaded by Owsiak, has combined philanthropy with a sense of festivity, appealing to a wide audience. Joanna Heidtman, a psychologist and sociologist, observed that this unique approach, blending music and entertainment, has effectively made charity enjoyable and engaging. Such elements play a crucial role in unifying diverse groups across political and social lines.
Since its inception, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity has collected nearly 2.3 billion PLN, financing over 73,000 medical devices for various healthcare facilities. The equipment, marked with the charity's emblematic heart, is crucial for departments focused on neonatal and paediatric care. The continuous success of this initiative reflects the enduring community spirit that WOŚP has nurtured over the years.
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Advanced: Reports from Poland
- 33rd WOŚP Finale: Sister Małgorzata Chmielewska: "Goodness must not be destroyed" (
- "Sky Lights Illuminate as WOŚP Raises Over 100 Million PLN [LIVE UPDATE]" (
- 33rd WOŚP Finale: Politicians Join the Orchestra, Including Duda and Tusk (
- WOŚP 2025: How Much Money Has Been Raised So Far? [UPDATED] (