The news in Polish
Polska poprosiła Unię Europejską o pomoc finansową po powodzi we wrześniu. Powódź dotknęła Dolny Śląsk, Opole, Śląsk i Lubusz. Szkody wyniosły ponad 13 miliardów złotych. Polskie władze potrzebują pieniędzy na naprawę infrastruktury i pomoc dla ludzi. Rząd już przeznaczył 2,13 miliarda złotych na działania pomocowe.
Poland requested financial assistance from the European Union following the September floods. The flood affected Lower Silesia, Opole, Silesia, and Lubusz. The damages amounted to over 13 billion zlotys. Polish authorities need funds to repair infrastructure and assist residents. The government has already allocated 2.13 billion zlotys for relief efforts.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Which regions in Poland were affected by the flood?
The regions affected were Dolny Śląsk, Opole, Śląsk, and Lubusz.
Question 2: How much money has the Polish government already allocated for aid efforts?
The Polish government has allocated 2.13 billion złotych for aid efforts.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
In a recent effort to address the aftermath of the September floods, Poland has formally requested financial assistance from the European Union's Solidarity Fund. The floods, which significantly impacted the southwestern regions of Lower Silesia, Opole, Silesia, and Lubusz, have led to substantial damage and economic loss. The Polish government, through the Ministry of Interior and Administration (MSWiA), has calculated that the total damage and expenditures related to infrastructure exceed 13 billion zloty.
The official application, submitted to the European Commission, outlines the extensive direct damages caused by the natural disaster. It also details the repercussions on the local population, economy, and environment. Included in the request are costs associated with rescue operations, such as expenses for evacuation, accommodation, equipment, fuel, and the cleanup of flood-impacted areas. Additionally, it highlights the need for funds to cover temporary housing for displaced families and the repair of destroyed power networks.
Regional governors from the affected provinces have provided estimates of the losses, which are further complemented by reports from numerous government ministries, including Finance; Infrastructure; Climate and Environment; Science and Higher Education; National Defence; Family, Labour, and Social Policy; Agriculture and Rural Development; and Justice.
The Interior Minister, Tomasz Siemoniak, confirmed that the request was thoroughly coordinated with government representatives, notably Marcin Kierwiński, the minister responsible for post-flood recovery. The Polish government has already allocated over 2.13 billion zloty towards various measures to mitigate the flood's impact, including more than 640 million zloty in aid payments to those affected.
In response to the scale of the disaster, a state of natural disaster was declared by the government on September 16, initially covering parts of Lower Silesia, Opole, and Silesia, before subsequently being extended to additional regions, including Lubusz.
The request for EU support marks a crucial step in Poland's ongoing recovery efforts as it seeks to rebuild and restore the affected regions while ensuring adequate support for its citizens.
Info: "Polish Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Polish," a language school dedicated to teaching Polish. We provide a range of opportunities to learn Polish online through various courses tailored to different learning needs.