The news in Polish

W Warszawie, w Teatrze Wielkim – Operze Narodowej, Polska rozpoczęła przewodnictwo w Radzie Unii Europejskiej. Premier Donald Tusk mówił o silnej Europie i wyzwaniach , które czekają Polskę. Podczas ceremonii nie było prezydenta Polski i ambasadora Węgier. Protesty rolników odbyły się na ulicach Warszawy. Przewodnictwo potrwa 6 miesięcy.


In Warsaw, at the Grand Theatre – National Opera, Poland took on the presidency of the Council of the European Union. Prime Minister Donald Tusk spoke about a strong Europe and the challenges facing Poland. During the ceremony, the President of Poland and the Hungarian ambassador were absent. Farmers' protests took place on the streets of Warsaw. The presidency will last for 6 months.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: Where did the ceremony for Poland taking over the EU Presidency take place?

The ceremony took place in the Teatr Wielki – Opera Narodowa in Warsaw.

Question 2: Who was absent from the ceremony?

The President of Poland and the ambassador of Hungary were absent from the ceremony.

Exercise: Vocabulary

(n.) - chairmanship

(n.) - challenge

(f.) - ceremony

(m.) - protest

(m.) - farmer

- last

Read the full story


On a significant opening night at the Teatr Wielki – Opery Narodowej in Warsaw, Poland officially commenced its presidency of the Council of the European Union, an event marked by optimism despite evident geopolitical and domestic challenges. The ceremony was notable not only for the absence of Poland's President Andrzej Duda, represented instead by one of his advisors, but also for the omission of Hungary's ambassador, reflecting diplomatic tensions.

Prime Minister Donald Tusk delivered a rousing address capturing the essence of Poland’s presidency aspirations. He emphasized Poland's readiness to reinforce a "strong Europe," affording reassurance amidst what he termed "very difficult six months." In his view, Poland's historical resilience and experience have equipped it to lead and integrate European values with a nationalistic sense of pride. Tusk underscored that Poland stands poised to harness its wisdom and energy during this turbulent period, signifying a commitment to principles of security, competitiveness, and innovation.

The theme of security was further highlighted by key officials. The Polish presidency is set to focus on "Security, Europe!" prioritising various levels of safety from external and internal threats to information, economy, and health. These complex challenges are situated within broader EU disputes, including ongoing negotiations around defence strategies and economic resilience amidst external pressures.

Poland Assumes EU Presidency Amidst Tensions Poland Assumes EU Presidency Amidst Tensions (Illustration)

Antonio Costa, the President of the European Council, praised Poland’s role as a cornerstone of European defence. He remarked on Poland's successful adaptation and integration into the EU framework as pivotal in maintaining democratic values and resilience. Costa articulated high expectations for Poland's stewardship and the reinforcement of EU solidarity in countering authoritarian influences.

The ceremony, albeit grand, occurred against the backdrop of protests that unfurled in the heart of Warsaw, organized by farmers expressing concerns over EU policies such as the Green Deal and trade agreements with Mercosur. These demonstrations underscored some domestic unease surrounding European directives that the Polish presidency will need to navigate sensitively.

The Polish presidency, which began on January 1 and will run until June 30, 2025, is tasked with directing critical discussions within the EU. Over these six months, Poland will orchestrate more than 300 formal meetings including gatherings of EU ministers to deliberate on pivotal policies and strategies affecting the bloc. As Poland takes the helm, the international community watches closely, anticipating how well the nation will meet its ambitious goals under a banner of European unity and resolve.

Info: 'Polish Learner News' is a service from 'Let's Learn Polish', a language school dedicated to teaching Polish. We offer various online courses, including Polish language classes to suit different learning needs.

Advanced: Reports from Poland