The news in Polish

Mariusz Trynkiewicz, "Diabeł z Piotrkowa", zmarł w wieku 62 lat. Był znany z morderstw czterech chłopców w latach 80. Skazano go na karę śmierci, zmienioną później na 25 lat więzienia. Jego sprawa wpłynęła na polskie prawo, szczególnie na ustawę dla niebezpiecznych przestępców.


Mariusz Trynkiewicz, known as the 'Devil of Piotrków', passed away at the age of 62. He was notorious for the murders of four boys in the 1980s. He was originally sentenced to death, but this was later commuted to 25 years in prison. His case significantly influenced Polish law, particularly the legislation concerning dangerous offenders.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: What nickname was given to Mariusz Trynkiewicz?

He was called 'Diabeł z Piotrkowa'.

Question 2: What change was made to Mariusz Trynkiewicz's original death sentence?

His death sentence was changed to 25 years in prison.

Exercise: Vocabulary

(n.) - murder

- convict

(f.) - punishment

- change

(f.) - case

(f.) - law

Read the full story


Mariusz Trynkiewicz, infamously known as the "Devil of Piotrków," has passed away at the age of 62. His death, which occurred on January 9th in a hospital ward, was confirmed by Arleta Pęconek, spokesperson for the Director General of the Polish Prison Service. No further details about the circumstances were disclosed due to legal regulations.

Trynkiewicz, a former physical education teacher born in 1962, gained notoriety in the late 1980s for the brutal murder of four young boys in Piotrków Trybunalski, a town in central Poland. Convicted in 1989, he was initially sentenced to death; however, his sentence was commuted to 25 years imprisonment due to an amnesty.

Notorious Polish Serial Killer Mariusz Trynkiewicz Dies at 62 Notorious Polish Serial Killer Mariusz Trynkiewicz Dies at 62 (Illustration)

The case of Mariusz Trynkiewicz had a profound impact on Poland's legal landscape. When he was released in February 2014, public outrage sparked a legislative response. The Polish government enacted the so-called "Beasts Act" which allowed for post-sentence supervision and detention of individuals deemed a threat to public safety. Under this law, Trynkiewicz was confined to the National Centre for the Prevention of Dissocial Behaviour in Gostynin shortly after his release.

His time in Gostynin was marked by further legal issues. In 2015, Trynkiewicz was convicted of possessing child pornography while previously incarcerated, resulting in a sentence of five and a half years in prison. Despite his sentence, the execution of this punishment was postponed until after his stay in Gostynin and he eventually returned to prison later.

Mariusz Trynkiewicz's life, crimes, and subsequent legal battles have left a significant mark on Poland's judicial system, influencing how the country handles individuals judged to be ongoing risks to society. His death closes a dark chapter in Poland's criminal history, yet leaves behind a legacy of lasting legal and societal implications.

Info: "Polish Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Polish", a language school offering various types of online Polish courses. Our Polish tutors are dedicated to helping students improve their language skills at their own pace and convenience.

Advanced: Reports from Poland