The news in Polish

Krzysztof Stanowski ogłosił kandydaturę w wyborach prezydenckich w maju 2025 roku. Mówi, że nie chce zostać prezydentem, ale chce pokazać, jak wygląda kampania wyborcza. Uważa, że polityka w Polsce jest niesprawiedliwa. Jego wystąpienie ma być krytyką obecnej sytuacji politycznej i dostarczyć "dobrej rozrywki."


Krzysztof Stanowski has announced his candidacy in the presidential elections in May 2025. He states that he does not wish to become president, but rather to demonstrate what an election campaign looks like. He believes that politics in Poland is unfair. His candidacy is intended to be a critique of the current political situation and to provide "good entertainment."

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: When did Krzysztof Stanowski announce his candidacy for the presidential election?

In May 2025.

Question 2: What is Krzysztof Stanowski's opinion about politics in Poland?

He thinks that politics in Poland is unfair.

Exercise: Vocabulary

- announce

(f.) - candidacy

(m.) - elections

- become

(f.) - campaign

(f.) - criticism

Read the full story


Krzysztof Stanowski, a well-known Polish journalist and entrepreneur, recently announced his unexpected candidacy in the Polish presidential elections set for May 2025. Despite declaring his intentions to run, Stanowski has explicitly stated that he does not seek to actually become the president.

In his announcement, delivered via a video message, Stanowski emphasised his lack of the necessary experience and skills for the presidency. "I stand before you not to become president because I lack the competence and dignity for such a role, much like my competitors, though they remain unaware," Stanowski remarked. He humorously added that the president's salary is insufficient for him.

Stanowski's entry into the race is primarily a means to critique the political scene. "I aim to show the election process from behind the scenes," he explained, expressing a desire to expose the inner workings of the campaign in a bid to mirror his critique of modern Polish politics, suggesting it has become unworthy of its citizens' trust. By participating, he hopes to draw attention to the perceived inefficacies of current political candidates.

Krzysztof Stanowski Joins Polish Presidential Race Krzysztof Stanowski Joins Polish Presidential Race (Illustration)

The news has been met with mixed reactions across Poland. Some commentators see his move as a serious critique of the state of politics, while others view it as an inappropriate jest. Notably, Tomasz Sommer, a right-wing journalist, voiced concern over Stanowski's potential impact on right-leaning candidates, highlighting the candidacy's comedic angle yet questioning its seriousness.

Stanowski emphasises that he hopes to challenge other candidates by becoming a "stone in their shoe." He plans to leverage his campaign for unprecedented transparency, taking advantage of laws requiring public broadcasting networks to cover his campaign materials, an opportunity he described as a "unique campaign the likes of which Poland has never seen."

Despite insistence that his campaign is more theatrical than genuine, Stanowski is actively seeking public support, aiming to collect the required 100,000 signatures to officially enter the race. His actions, he claims, are not intended to mock the presidential office but instead to highlight the vilification of the political process, insisting that his campaign promises nothing but "good entertainment."

This unconventional candidacy adds yet another dimension to an election cycle already marked by surprises, as several candidates, including notable figures, have announced both their entries and withdrawals. With the electoral stakes high, all eyes will be on how Stanowski's campaign unfolds and its potential repercussions on the Polish political landscape.

Info: "Polish Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Polish", a language school dedicated to helping individuals learn to speak Polish. We offer a range of online courses, suitable for all levels, providing comprehensive resources to enhance your Polish language skills.

Advanced: Reports from Poland