The news in Polish
Grzegorz Braun został wykluczony z partii Konfederacja za ogłoszenie kandydatury na prezydenta, mimo że partia poparła Sławomira Mentzena. Decyzję o usunięciu podjęto, ponieważ uznano to za zdradę jedności partii. Braun planuje kontynuować swoją kampanię niezależnie, mimo dzielenia się w partii.
Grzegorz Braun was excluded from the Konfederacja party for announcing his candidacy for president, despite the party supporting Sławomir Mentzen. The decision to remove him was made because the announcement was deemed a betrayal of party unity. Braun plans to continue his campaign independently, despite the divisions in the party.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Who did the Polish Confederation party originally support for the presidency?
The Polish Confederation party originally supported Sławomir Mentzen for the presidency.
Question 2: Why was Grzegorz Braun expelled from the Polish Confederation party?
Grzegorz Braun was expelled because he announced his candidacy for president, which was seen as a betrayal of the party's unity.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
The party tribunal of the Confederation Liberty and Independence has made the decisive move to expel Grzegorz Braun, following his unexpected announcement to run in the upcoming presidential elections. This decision was publicly communicated by Michał Urbaniak, the executive director of the Confederation's press office. By being expelled, Braun loses all roles within the party, including his position on the Leadership Council.
The expulsion stems from Braun's announcement to run as a presidential candidate, despite the Confederation already endorsing Sławomir Mentzen as its official candidate. Mentzen, a leading figure within the party, expressed the necessity of the action given Braun’s decision, which was seen as a betrayal of party unity. The State Election Commission has already received formal notifications concerning Braun's campaign committee, signaling his determination to pursue this bid independently from the Confederation.
Grzegorz Braun Expelled from Polish Confederation (Illustration)
Members of Nowa Nadzieja and the National Movement, both integral components of the Confederation, confirmed the expulsion decision. The tribunal itself included representatives predominantly from Sławomir Mentzen’s and Krzysztof Bosak’s factions, with no members from Braun’s Korona Polska Party, highlighting the internal divisions that led to this course of action. A spokesman from the Korona Polska Party, Marta Czech, indicated that Braun might still retain the option to appeal against his exclusion.
During a recent press conference, Mentzen emphasized that Braun’s candidacy was unexpected and mandated a swift departure from the Confederation's ranks. Braun’s move poses a risk to Mentzen’s campaign, with analysts like Professor Rafał Chwedoruk suggesting a potential loss of up to one-third of Mentzen’s voters, which could adversely impact his electoral performance.
In response to the situation, Braun’s camp is preparing to intensify their campaign efforts as they await the State Election Commission's approval of their registration. The party plans to enhance its existing structures across the country during this campaign period, aiming for broader appeal and greater political influence.
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