The news in Polish
W Stroniu Śląskim żołnierze znaleźli pieniądze podczas pomocy po powodzi . Żołnierze z Operacji "Feniks" znaleźli paczkę z 10 000 euro, czyli około 43 000 złotych. Pieniądze przekazano policji. Żołnierze zostali pochwaleni za uczciwość . Operacja Feniks pomaga ludziom po powodzi od 23 września.
In Stronie Śląskie, soldiers found money while assisting after a flood. Soldiers from Operation "Phoenix" discovered a package containing 10,000 euros, equivalent to around 43,000 zlotys. The money was handed over to the police. The soldiers were commended for their honesty. Operation Phoenix has been helping people affected by the flood since 23rd September.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: How much money did the soldiers find during the cleanup?
The soldiers found 10,000 euros, which is about 43,000 złotych.
Question 2: When did Operation Feniks start helping people after the flood?
Operation Feniks started helping people on September 23rd.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
In a surprising turn of events in Stronie Śląskie, a town severely affected by recent flooding in Poland, soldiers from the 72nd Light Infantry Battalion stumbled upon a significant cash haul while assisting with post-flood cleanup efforts. The initial report on the discovery was shared by local news portal
The soldiers, part of Operation "Phoenix", were clearing debris when they found a suspicious package that, upon inspection, contained a large sum of money. Early estimates suggested there were 53,000 euros inside, equivalent to over 228,000 Polish zlotys. However, conflicting reports later emerged, with the Territorial Defence Forces clarifying that the actual amount in the plastic bag was roughly 10,000 euros, or about 43,000 zlotys.
This discrepancy in figures sparked curiosity and debate online, with many questioning how the initial sum reported could significantly diminish. Despite the speculation, the found money was promptly secured by the soldiers and handed over to local police authorities, who are now tasked with locating its rightful owner.
The troops have been widely praised for their integrity and prompt action. The commander of the battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Marcin Łyskanowski, announced plans to reward the soldiers for their exemplary conduct. He noted that such circumstances highlight the soldiers' dedication to safeguarding abandoned property amid the chaos of natural disasters.
Operation Phoenix commenced on 23rd September and has seen the involvement of around 25,000 soldiers who are aiding residents in the flood-stricken areas by restoring infrastructure and assisting with cleanup operations. The initiative underscores the commitment of both professional and Territorial Defence soldiers in providing humanitarian aid and rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of the flood.
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