The news in Polish
IMGW w Polsce ostrzega przed silnym wiatrem. Na wybrzeżu i południu kraju wydano ostrzeżenia drugiego stopnia, na Dolnym Śląsku wiatry mogą osiągnąć 90 km/h. Najlżejsze ostrzeżenia są w innych regionach. RCB radzi unikać aktywności na zewnątrz. Pogoda będzie pochmurna z przelotnymi opadami i temperaturami od 3°C do 10°C.
The IMGW in Poland warns of strong winds. Second-degree warnings have been issued for the coast and the south of the country, with winds in Lower Silesia potentially reaching up to 90 km/h. Other regions have milder warnings. The RCB advises avoiding outdoor activities. The weather will be cloudy with occasional showers, and temperatures will range from 3°C to 10°C.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: What is the weather agency in Poland warning about?
The weather agency is warning about strong winds.
Question 2: What does RCB advise people to avoid?
RCB advises people to avoid outdoor activities.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management (IMGW) in Poland has issued a series of warnings due to expected strong winds affecting large parts of the country. These warnings, which range from first to second degree on a three-tier scale, indicate the potential for significant meteorological disruptions.
On the Baltic coast and along Poland’s southern borders, second-degree alerts have been activated. Winds in these regions could reach speeds up to 115 km/h, especially during daytime and evening hours on the 1st of January. Conversely, areas in the Lower Silesia region are expected to experience gusts peaking at 90 km/h.
First-degree warnings cover multiple provinces, indicating less severe yet still potentially hazardous conditions. Forecasts predict wind speeds reaching up to 80 km/h with an average of 45 km/h in affected areas, primarily coming from the south-west. These warnings are scheduled to remain in effect until midday on Thursday, with some lasting until later in the afternoon in regions such as Małopolska.
Severe Winds Prompt Warnings in Poland (Illustration)
The Government Safety Centre (RCB) has also sent alerts advising citizens to exercise caution. They have advised against outdoor activities and parking vehicles under trees due to the risk posed by the strong winds, particularly in the western regions of the country.
The weather on Wednesday is expected to be generally overcast with intermittent clearings. The north will experience some rain, and mixed rain and snow conditions are anticipated in the Masurian and Suwałki regions. Temperatures are predicted to range from 3°C in the eastern extremities to around 8°C in the southern and western areas. The mountainous regions could see temperatures as high as 10°C. Thursday's weather will be characterized by heavy cloud cover, scattered sunshine, and varied precipitation, including isolated thunderstorms along the coast.
As the severe weather continues to develop, residents are urged to remain vigilant and adhere to safety recommendations issued by authorities. Monitoring updates from IMGW and following local advisories is crucial for ensuring personal safety and managing potential disruptions effectively.
Info: 'Polish Learner News' is a service from 'Let's Learn Polish', a language school dedicated to helping students master the Polish language. We offer various types of online Polish courses to suit diverse learning needs and schedules.