The news in Polish

Polscy sędziowie bojkotują ważne spotkanie. Chcą powrotu do porządku konstytucyjnego i sprzeciwiają się nielegalnym nominacjom . Spotkanie miało omawiać ważne sprawy sądowe, ale mogło nie dojść do skutku z powodu braku udziału. To pokazuje problemy w polskim systemie sądowniczym, które są zauważalne w kraju i za granicą.


Polish judges are boycotting an important meeting. They are calling for a return to constitutional order and are opposed to unlawful appointments. The meeting was intended to discuss significant judicial matters but may not proceed due to lack of participation. This highlights issues within the Polish judicial system, which are evident both domestically and internationally.

Exercise: Text comprehension

Question 1: What do the Polish judges want in relation to the constitutional order?

The Polish judges want a return to the constitutional order.

Question 2: Why might the important meeting not have taken place?

The meeting might not have taken place because of the lack of participation due to the boycott.

Exercise: Vocabulary

- boycott

(m.) - order

(f.) - nomination

- discuss

(m.) - consequence

- noticeable

Read the full story


A recent decision by a group of Polish Supreme Court judges to boycott a key meeting has brought attention to ongoing tensions within Poland's judiciary. The group, which comprises judges from the Civil, Criminal, and Labour and Social Insurance Chambers, declared their refusal to participate in the General Assembly meetings chaired by the Supreme Court’s First President, Małgorzata Manowska.

This declaration, signed by 30 to 32 judges, emphasises their demand for a return to constitutional order within the court. The judges expressed concerns about the inclusion of members they consider ineligible according to the Polish Constitution. These judges have been appointed following controversial changes to the country’s National Council of the Judiciary in 2017, which has faced scrutiny from European institutions.

The General Assembly meeting, scheduled for the first time in four years, was intended to discuss significant administrative matters and the selection of candidates for judicial leadership roles. It was also meant to address past activities, including those of the now-defunct Disciplinary Chamber, which operated between 2019 and 2020.

However, historically the assembly has been unable to reach a quorum, a situation anticipated to repeat itself as many judges have refused to validate what they perceive as procedural improprieties and manipulations.

Polish Supreme Court Judges Boycott Meeting Polish Supreme Court Judges Boycott Meeting (Illustration)

In a post on social media, Judge Włodzimierz Wróbel and Prosecutor Ewa Wrzosek shared the judges’ joint statement. The document outlines the judges’ stance against what they claim are unconstitutional appointments and procedural manipulations.

Manowska had previously attempted to convene such meetings, but they have often been hampered by low attendance, attributed by some to the purposeful absence of judges appointed through political influence. This controversial issue highlights deeper systemic problems that continue to affect Poland’s judicial landscape.

Despite the challenges in convening the assembly, the meeting aims to address crucial judicial matters, reflecting ongoing divisions and the need for reforms in Poland's legal framework.

This development underscores ongoing disputes in Poland regarding judicial independence and the balance of power between governmental institutions and the judiciary, drawing significant attention both domestically and internationally.

Info: "Polish Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Polish", a language school offering a variety of courses tailored for learning Polish. Our comprehensive approach includes Polish lessons online, making language acquisition accessible to students globally.

Advanced: Reports from Poland