The news in Polish
Polska prokuratura rozpoczęła śledztwo przeciwko Antoniemu Macierewiczowi, byłemu Ministrowi Obrony, za " zdradę dyplomatyczną". Zarzuty dotyczą decyzji z 2015 roku o wycofaniu się z międzynarodowego programu lotniczego, co mogło osłabić wojsko. Macierewicz twierdzi, że decyzja była konieczna dla Polski. Grozi mu do 10 lat więzienia.
The Polish prosecutor's office has initiated an investigation against Antoni Macierewicz, the former Minister of Defence, for "diplomatic treason". The charges relate to a 2015 decision to withdraw from an international aviation programme, which could have weakened the military. Macierewicz claims the decision was necessary for Poland. He faces up to 10 years in prison.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: What is Antoni Macierewicz being investigated for?
He is being investigated for 'diplomatic treason' related to a decision about the 'Karkonosze' program.
Question 2: What could be a consequence for Antoni Macierewicz if found guilty?
He could face up to 10 years in prison.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
An investigation has been launched by Polish prosecutors into allegations of "diplomatic treason" against Antoni Macierewicz, the former Minister of Defence. This move follows a report submitted on 28 November 2024 by Brigadier General Jarosław Stróżyk, head of the Commission for the Examination of Russian and Belarusian Influences, accusing Macierewicz of compromising Poland's strategic interests.
The allegations centre on a decision made during Macierewicz's tenure to withdraw from an international programme for acquiring airborne refuelling aircraft, known as "Karkonosze". The Prosecutor's Office stated that Poland's non-participation in this programme potentially weakened the Polish Armed Forces' operational capabilities and adversely affected national security.
Preliminary investigations by the Mazovian Branch of the Department for Organised Crime and Corruption of the National Prosecutor's Office reviewed evidence and interviewed Stróżyk. As of 2 January 2025, the prosecutor initiated a formal investigation into actions taken between November 2015 and October 2016, when Macierewicz, representing Poland, refused to join the Multi-Role Tanker Transport Fleet (MMF) initiative.
Polish Prosecutors Investigate Former Defence Minister (Illustration)
The "Karkonosze" programme was designed to equip Poland with strategic transport, medical evacuation, and in-flight refuelling capabilities. The abandonment of this project could have posed risks to the continuity of Poland's air defence.
Macierewicz has defended his decision, citing cost concerns and the potential for strategic control by other nations as reasons for Poland's withdrawal. He contends that his choice was guided by the best interests of Poland and maintains it was "absolutely necessary."
The criminal charges under Article 129 of Poland’s Penal Code, concerning diplomatic actions harmful to the country, carry a maximum penalty of up to 10 years imprisonment.
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