The news in Polish
Nadchodzące wybory prezydenckie w Polsce wzbudzają dyskusje w Koalicji Obywatelskiej. Rafał Trzaskowski i Radosław Sikorski to potencjalni kandydaci . Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz z PSL proponuje wspólnego kandydata, by pokonać PiS. Rozmowy trwają, a decyzja ma zapaść do grudnia. Wybór kandydata jest trudny i ważny.
The upcoming presidential elections in Poland are sparking discussions within the Civic Coalition. Rafał Trzaskowski and Radosław Sikorski are potential candidates. Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz from the PSL suggests a joint candidate to defeat PiS. Talks are ongoing, with a decision expected by December. Selecting a candidate is a challenging and important task.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Who are the two potential candidates mentioned for the Polish presidential race?
The two potential candidates mentioned are Rafał Trzaskowski and Radosław Sikorski.
Question 2: What is Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz from PSL proposing?
Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz is proposing a joint candidate to defeat PiS.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
The upcoming Polish presidential election has intensified debates among the country's prominent political parties. Within the Koalicja Obywatelska (Civic Coalition), speculation rises about who will secure the nomination. Although Rafał Trzaskowski, the current Mayor of Warsaw, is seen as the frontrunner, there is growing interest in Radosław Sikorski, a seasoned politician with extensive international experience.
Some members of the Civic Coalition argue that Sikorski could be better poised to handle "difficult times" due to his diplomatic expertise and assertive persona. Nonetheless, his chances could be jeopardised by perceived international political connections, specifically through his spouse, Anne Applebaum, and her criticisms of American political figures.
In contrast, Trzaskowski's supporters question the timing and motives behind the sudden discussion of Sikorski's candidacy. They suggest his emergence is part of a strategic move by Donald Tusk, former Prime Minister, to galvanise Trzaskowski, or perhaps even prepare the ground for his own bid.
Polish Presidential Race: Contenders and Coalition Dynamics (Illustration)
Amidst these internal deliberations, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz of the Polish People's Party (PSL) has proposed a joint candidacy across the governing coalition. This initiative aims to unify efforts against the anticipated candidate from the Law and Justice Party (PiS), possibly Przemysław Czarnek, dubbed the "Polish Donald Trump." Kosiniak-Kamysz advocates for Szymon Hołownia as a unifying figure, given his potential to appeal to diverse voter groups.
Kosiniak-Kamysz acknowledges the coalition's differences but believes a single candidate could bridge these gaps and strengthen their collective political front. In doing so, he seeks to prevent a "family feud" scenario that might arise from having multiple candidates within the same political spectrum, a strategy that some argue could weaken their stance against the PiS's contender.
The conversations within Poland's political landscape remain dynamic, with the Civic Coalition's decision expected by early December. Meanwhile, Kosiniak-Kamysz's call for unity continues to spark debate about the best path forward for the coalition ahead of the 2025 presidential election.
Info: "Polish Learner News" is a service from "Let's Learn Polish", a language school dedicated to teaching the Polish language. We offer various types of Polish lessons online, designed to cater to different learning preferences and schedules.