The news in Polish
Grupa aktywistów „Ostatnie Pokolenie” zablokowała ulicę w Warszawie. Protestują oni, chcąc zwrócić uwagę na problemy klimatyczne. Chcą spotkania z premierem 11 grudnia. Proszą o zmiany w transporcie, lepszy transport publiczny zamiast nowych dróg. Ich działania są kontrowersyjne i powodują różne reakcje.
A group of activists called "Last Generation" blocked a street in Warsaw. They are protesting to draw attention to climate issues. They are seeking a meeting with the Prime Minister on 11th December. They are asking for changes in transportation, including better public transport instead of new roads. Their actions are controversial and provoke mixed reactions.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: Who blocked the street in Warsaw?
A group of activists called 'Ostatnie Pokolenie.'
Question 2: What do the activists want instead of new roads?
They want better public transport.
Exercise: Vocabulary
zablokować - block
uwaga(f.) - attention
problem(m.) - problems
spotkanie(n.) - meeting
działanie(n.) - action
kontrowersyjny - controversial
Read the full story
On Sunday, the activist group known as Ostatnie Pokolenie once again took to the streets of Warsaw, blocking the busy transport artery, Wisłostrada. This protest marks one of several ongoing demonstrations aimed at bringing attention to environmental issues and the need for governmental action.
The activists have expressed a desire for a meeting with Poland’s Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, scheduled for December 11, to address their concerns about the government’s policies, which they claim exacerbate the climate crisis. According to Tymoteusz Baranowski, a representative of the group, an over-reliance on road infrastructures, such as highways, detracts from vital investments in public transport, leading to the phenomenon of transport exclusion—where about 20 percent of Poles lack access to efficient public transit systems.
As the demonstration unfolded, protestors strategically positioned themselves on Czerniakowska Street, just before the intersection with Bartycka. In spite of criticism from some Warsaw residents about the disruptive nature of their protests, activists argue that such tactics are necessary to draw attention to the environmental cause. Some demonstrators assert that traditional methods of protest have failed to yield results, pointing out that officials often use such events merely as photo opportunities.
Polish Activists Block Wisłostrada: Demand Climate Action (Illustration)
The protests have not been without controversy. During the latest blockade, a notable incident involved Marianna Schreiber, who was caught in traffic and expressed her frustration vocally, describing the activists as 'terrorists.' The incident underscores the tensions between activists and the public, as well as divergent opinions on how climate advocacy should be conducted.
The government, represented by Minister of the Interior Tomasz Siemoniak, has reacted strongly, describing such blockades as illegal actions that pose risks for both the participants and road users. The authorities have consequently reiterated their commitment to responding firmly to these acts.
Despite the contention, the core of Ostatnie Pokolenie's demands remain clear: a call for critical changes in Poland’s transport policies, including redirecting funds from highway construction to public transport enhancement, and implementing a monthly regional transport ticket priced at 50 złotys. The group maintains that these changes are crucial for mitigating the impacts of the climate crisis, which pose a significant threat to public well-being.
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