The news in Polish
Magdalena Biejat jest kandydatką Nowej Lewicy na prezydenta Polski w wyborach 2025 roku. Obecnie jest wicemarszałkiem Senatu. Chce zmieniać Polskę przez lepsze usługi publiczne i ekologię . Kandydatura Biejat to także dążenie do zakończenia politycznych podziałów i wzmocnienia roli kobiet w polityce.
Magdalena Biejat is the New Left's candidate for the Polish presidency in the 2025 election. She is currently the Deputy Speaker of the Senate. Her aim is to transform Poland through improved public services and environmental measures. Biejat's candidacy also seeks to end political divisions and strengthen the role of women in politics.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: What role does Magdalena Biejat currently hold in the Senate?
She is the vice-marshal of the Senate.
Question 2: What are two of Magdalena Biejat's goals as a presidential candidate?
She wants to improve public services and focus on ecology.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
Magdalena Biejat has been officially announced as the candidate for the New Left in Poland's upcoming presidential elections set for May 2025. The decision was made during a convention in Warsaw, attended by senior party members including Deputy Prime Minister Krzysztof Gawkowski, who highlighted Biejat's commitment to social values.
Biejat, currently serving as Deputy Marshal of the Senate, previously left the Razem party but continued her association with the New Left faction. During the announcement, Gawkowski emphasised that the presidential race is about the values candidates represent, laudably describing Biejat as embodying the spirit and interests of ordinary individuals through her extensive social activism.
Krzysztof Kukucki, the Mayor of Włocławek, expressed his hopes for Biejat's candidacy to help end the "Polish-Polish war," a metaphor for the deep political divisions in the country. He advocated for leadership beyond the traditional main parties, believing that a strong female presence could be transformative.
Magdalena Biejat Announced as Left's Presidential Candidate (Illustration)
Present during the event, Agnieszka Dziemianowicz-Bąk, the Minister of Family, Labour, and Social Policy, also voiced confidence in Biejat’s readiness to tackle key challenges, expressing trust in her leadership.
While Biejat outlined ambitious goals focused on housing, social equality, and improved public services, including affordable rental options and lowering mortgage costs, some political analysts remain skeptical about her impact. Wojciech Mościbrodzki, a political scientist, noted that while her candidacy highlights essential issues, Biejat faces an uphill battle against more dominant political forces, such as the Civic Platform candidate Rafał Trzaskowski and the Law and Justice candidate Karol Nawrocki.
Despite the challenges, Biejat is determined to champion issues like environmental policy and energy transition, promising a more "ambitious, fair, and courageous" Poland. She also expressed her willingness to reach across party lines on national security matters, urging candidates to unify under a common safety agenda.
With these elections poised to showcase Poland's political dynamics, observers note that Biejat's campaign is less about securing an outright win and more about reaffirming the New Left's presence on the political stage, sparking debates on social justice amid Poland’s evolving political landscape.
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