The news in Polish
Leśnicy odkryli tajemniczy obiekt w lesie w pobliżu Ełku. Może to być balon meteorologiczny. Obiekt był oznaczony cyrylicą , co wskazuje, że mógł przylecieć z Białorusi, Litwy lub Rosji. Podobne obiekty były wcześniej znajdywane w Polsce, często związane z przemytem . Policja bada tę sprawę.
Foresters have discovered a mysterious object in the forest near Ełk. It may be a weather balloon. The object was marked with Cyrillic script, suggesting it could have come from Belarus, Lithuania, or Russia. Similar objects have been found in Poland before, often linked to smuggling. The police are investigating this matter.
Exercise: Text comprehension
Question 1: What did the forest rangers discover in the forest near Ełk?
They discovered a mysterious object that might be a meteorological balloon.
Question 2: Why do they think the balloon might have come from Belarus, Lithuania, or Russia?
Because it was marked with Cyrillic letters, which are used in these countries.
Exercise: Vocabulary
Read the full story
On 3 January, forest rangers in the Warmińsko-Mazurskie region of Poland made a mysterious discovery near the town of Ełk. They stumbled upon the remnants of an unusual object in a forest within the Prostki municipality, which was marked with Cyrillic script. The site of this discovery is located approximately 90 kilometres from the borders of Belarus and Lithuania, and roughly 130 kilometres from the Russian border.
The object, believed to resemble a balloon, was reported to the local police, who have since secured the area. According to Agata Kulikowska de Nałęcz, a spokesperson for the Ełk County Police Department, initial assessments suggest the object might be a meteorological balloon, typically used for measuring air temperature. However, investigations are ongoing to determine its exact nature and how it came to be in the Polish forest.
Cyrillic-Marked Balloon Found in Polish Forest (Illustration)
There is speculation about the balloon's origins, given the proximity to several international borders. The authorities are exploring the possibility that it may have drifted in from Belarus, Lithuania, or Russia, countries using Cyrillic script. This incident is not isolated. In recent years, similar objects have been recovered in other parts of Poland, such as in the Podlaskie region, raising questions about their purpose.
Past findings have varied in nature. Some were simply meteorological devices, while others, like those found in Kolno and Szaciłówka, were linked to smuggling activities, carrying packages of cigarettes lacking Polish excise labels. The authorities are treating each case individually to ascertain whether they are scientific tools, devices for espionage, or related to illegal smuggling.
The current findings have reignited discussions about aerial objects and their roles in international relations and local security. Polish authorities remain vigilant, closely monitoring and analysing new developments as they occur.
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